This may be a surprise to you:
PMS Symptoms Are Not a Requirement!
You don’t need to suffer symptoms… You only need to learn how to
Fully LIVE your CYCLICITY and be in SYNCH with your BODY
I’d like to offer you TOOLS
for Embodying your Cyclical Power: Your True Compass!
Click Here
to Buy Red Moon Course
or Red & Purple Moon Package
At a Discount
A Native American saying goes:
On your first bleed – you MEET your power
During your Bleeding years – you PRACTICE your power
At Menopause – you BECOME your POWER!
You may have Not been Conscious on your 1st period
of Meeting your Power…
You may Not be Conscious –
of How to Practice your Power Daily…
And you may Not be aware of how
to Embody your Power Now…
Once you Discover the Spiritual Power of your Menstruation,
and Practice it,
you will begin to Release Symptoms,
Grow your Intuition,
and Lay the Foundation
for a Powerful, and Easy, Menopause!
I would like to offer you A Hand,
Menstruation is a Spiritual Journey…
Welcome to the
RED MOON E-Course –
5 Steps to Reclaiming Menstruation As a Spiritual Journey
A revolutionary view of Menstruation As a journey of
Spiritual Transformation and Empowerment
This E-Course
Holds your hand through the Cycles of Menstruation
And helps you Embody your Cyclical Power!
Click Here
to Buy Red Moon Course
or Red & Purple Moon Package
At a Discount
Learn how to:
~ Meet your Power
~ Dance with your Rhythms
~ Live in Synch with your Cycle (not at its’ mercy)
~ Connect with your Guidance during Menstruation
~ Cultivate Menstruation as a Spiritual Practice
This 5 Session E-Course
Will Guide you,
and Feed your Soul…
As You
Work at your own Pace
From your own Home
Session 1:
When the Veil Between the Worlds Thins…
~ Reclaim Ancient Wisdom
~ Discover the Spiritual aspect of Menstruation
~ Cultivate a Spiritual Practice
Session 2:
Meet your Power
~ Reclaim your Inner Power
~ Gather Strength from your Cycle
~ Make Menstruation your Ally!
Session 3:
Nourish your Soul
~ Feed your Longing
~ Cultivate Soul Practice
~ Renew Yourself Monthly
Session 4:
Dance the Full Circle
~ Learn to Embrace your Fear
~ Discover Treasures in the dark
~ Live your Womb Inspiration
Session 5:
Celebrate Menstruation as a Spiritual Practice
~ Re-Define your Spiritual Practice
~ Menstruation as a Bond between Women
~ Celebrate your Womanhood!
Sign Up Below to Immediately Receive
the RED MOON E-Course in your Email box
Click Here
to Buy Red Moon Course
or Red & Purple Moon Package
At a Discount
* Insights and revolutionary concepts for living your Menstrual Cycle with Consciousness and Ease
* Deeply Transforming Shamanic Journeys, to which you can listen again and again
* Tools and Skills for Embodying your Power and becoming Guided by your Womb
This E-Course is for You, if You:
* Menstruate regularly or Irregularly
* Suffer any Emotional or Physical Symptoms
* Have Embraced your Cycle, and have No Symptoms
Women Rave – around the World:
“What words can express the beauty, the magic, the blessings that you have imparted upon me. Thank you. I am feeling so filled and expanded by being part of such a wonderful magical space.”
In gratitude,
Samantha Corrie, Shamanic Practitioner ~ Sydney, Australia
“What a transformation!
To come back to my body, spirit and soul… You have given me insights to connect with myself, my mother, and my daughter!
Women around the world should come to experience such connection and transformation.
Thank you with all my heart!”
Ilke Sternberger Lactation specialist, Doula, Nursery school owner, Los Angeles, CA ~
“When I started working with DeAnna I was scared, unsure, and not believing in myself. Through dedication, and inspiration from what I was learning, I am walking away with self-awareness, inner harmony, and love.
Thank you!”
Jennifer Patterson, Vermont
“The value of what you offer to women is a lifetime of pride, awareness, and courage. Your work with young women is so important for the empowerment of the Deep Feminine, and your brilliant ritual for their introduction into the Sacred Feminine is without parallel!”
~ Claire-France Perez, Astrologer, Marketer, Write. Big Bear Lake, CA
“It’s evident that DeAnna’s intelligent and grounded work comes from years of self-exploration, a deep ritual life, and her lived experience of working with women.
She tells us the truth: that mothers must first do their own precious work, experience their own initiation ceremonies, reclaim their own blood mysteries, and recognize their own sacred feminine, so they can then welcome their daughters into authentic womanhood. DeAnna can midwife us through this process.”
~ Dianne Jenett, Ph.D. Co-Director: Women’s Spirituality Masters Program, Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. Palo Alto, CA –
“I never felt good about being female.
For 10 years I had extreme, debilitating menstrual pain, and used to take up to 20 pain-killers. I tried dietary changes, conventional and alternative medicine, with little improvement.
I started searching for those who celebrated womanhood and our cycles – which led me to DeAnna L’am.
We have now been working together for three months and during my last two periods I had significant decrease in pain and medication.
DeAnna’s work resonated with me at a core level, and I have totally turned around my perception of my body, my flow, and my spirituality. I now feel myself to be a blessed and beautiful woman.”
I am grateful.”
S.M., Australia
Are You Ready?
If You’re Ready for Menstrual Ease and Empowerment
If You’re ready to Embody your Power & Spirit
If You’re Ready for the Red Moon Revolution
Reduced to:
$57 only

OR –
Get Both & Save:
Menstruation as a Spiritual Journey
Menopause as a Spiritual Journey
$97 + $97 = $194
On Special Sale –
60% off:
{for a Limited Time}