Fondly known as 'Womb Visionary'
and recognized world expert in Menstrual Empowerment,
DeAnna helps women move from Self Sabotage to Living their Power.
Her original work, developed over 30 years, has empowered women in over 30 countries.

Hi, I'm DeAnna
Like many women, I struggled with PMS, and for many years viewed my period as a bother and a nuisance.
In 1992 I began a personal journey toward embracing my monthly cycle, which led me to “reverse the curse!”
Having been a trained coach and facilitator at the time, I called my first Menstrual Empowerment circle in 1994. The response was overwhelming, and the journey embarked upon — profound.
In 1995 I coined the term ‘INNER MAIDEN’ as a result of recognizing the deep need in all women for soothing, healing, and reclaiming the adolescent girl within us, who may have never been welcomed into womanhood.
In Israel/Palestine, my country of origin, I helped Jewish and Palestinian women surpass political, religious, and cultural differences by deeply bonding as cycling women.
Since founding ‘Red Moon – School of Empowerment for Women & Girls’ in 1994, I have been teaching nationally and internationally, empowering women to reclaim menstruation as source of inner guidance and spiritual renewal; Coaching Moms in the art of welcoming girls into empowered womanhood, and training women to hold Red Tents in their communities.

Love Life and Yourself in it!

The biggest struggles women share with me are:
Is this You?
Would you like to feel:
To get clarity on your next steps:
This workshop is a multi-dimensional way to call forth your youthful spirit and harvest the gifts that are still available to you as a woman on this earth.”
We have now been working together for three months and during my last two moon times I have taken only five anti-inflammatory tablets, when I used to take up to 20 - a significant decrease.
Books by DeAnna

Becoming Peers – Mentoring Girls Into Womanhood
translated into Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese

A Diva’s Guide To Getting Your Period
Translated into: Spanish, Italian, French, German, Portuguese, Romanian, Hebrew, and Arabic
As Seen On

Red Tent Movie Empowers Women:
An interview with Isadora Leidenfrost, creator of
The Red Tent Movie: Things We Don’t talk About
and DeAnna L’am, who raised a Red Tent in Downtown Sebastopol, where she held a circle filmed by Isadora.
Click HERE to listen to the interview on Women’s radio
Be Simply
DeAnna L’am interviewed by Suzanne Toro
Click HERE to listen