Our Fathers, Ourselves

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Our mother is a mirror.

We are often reflected in each other.

Sometimes we wish to shatter the mirror,

at other times we see ourselves in it.

How about our father?

While mother was ‘Self’, father was ‘Other’

How does this affect us?

Join our free webinar on:

Thursday, August 29

12:30pm Pacific

We will cover:

  • The differences between our Feminine & Masculine Ancestral lines

  • How stuck energy in our Father Lineage impacts our Inner Masculine

  • How to free our Inner Masculine and bring it to balance with our Inner Feminine

We know so much of our history with our mothers:

our struggles and our reconciliations, our anger and our love, our similarities and our individuation.

When we tune into our Mother’s Line it usually feels like an open road.

This is often not the case with our fathers’ Lines:

roadblocks and obstacles, silence and interruptions are very common.

It’s time to heal…

The call to heal our Fathers’ Lines came from an Ancestors class I facilitated in which profound differences showed up between our connection to our Mothers’ Lines vs. our Fathers Lines.

We were all surprised and astounded at how familiar and accessible our Mothers’ Lines were to us and how blocked our Fathers’ Lines felt…

Even more surprising, and deeply touching, was to find out how willing, expecting, and yearning our Fathers’ Lines and Paternal Ancestors were…

How thirsty for recognition, hungry for connection, and ready for healing they all were…

Join our free webinar on:

Thursday, August 29

12:30pm Pacific