A Woman Complete

Overcome your Last Hurdle

A 6-week Online Journey

The stubborn struggle

that keeps haunting you

after all the inner work you’ve done, after all the progress you made:


this struggle isn’t the enemy?


it hides the Key to your Strength?


it’s the launch pad for your next growth leap?


Your remaining struggles have a Purpose:

once you understand their Message

you can receive their Gift!

This will allow you to gain Freedom from a draining challenge, free your Energy to pursue your goals, and provide you with the Skills to make them a reality

Begins August 3, 2023

You are invited

to get Up Close & Personal with DeAnna

and sisters from around the world

to surpass your remaining struggles,

freely pursue what matters to you

and bloom on your own terms!

Your Struggles are both Personal and Universal:

Your biography – the circumstances of how you got to where you are – is unique to you.

Yet the cultural biases that created these struggles, and the feelings you developed as a result – are shared by women worldwide

The most painful struggles women have shared with me include:

Loving Myself unconditionally regardless of weight gain or weight loss”

No self confidence, I don’t like the way I look, and constantly think I need to change myself, but that never makes me happy”

Believing that I am enough just the way I am. Accepting that I deserve to be happy and loved”

The critic in my head”

I’m hard on myself with my imperfections, I experience myself often as wrong, and never good enough”

True acceptance of my appearance and my age”

Avoiding looking closely at myself in a full length mirror and being shocked when I catch sight of myself in a shop window”

Fear of what others think about me”

Constant self-criticism”

Can you relate?

I invite you to explore what’s current for You, what keeps you up at night, what you (almost) gave up hope for overcoming.

I invite you to discover how this has been a theme in your life, how it tried to deliver a message to you, over and over, inflicting confusion and hurt instead of clarity and fuel.

I’d like to help you decode this theme, so the challenge can finish its role as Messenger, and leave you free, energized, and able to apply its teaching to your life.


Every struggle can be used as Compost

to feed your Growth


it’s time to tell a New Story:

about your life, about who you are, and about your ability to get there!

Begins August 3, 2023

“What I have gained is more valuable then I can put in words. The healing I received is subtle, profound and powerful beyond measure. The quality of my life has changed. I am comfortable in my body. I have greater love and respect for myself, I have made peace with my past and my relationships have improved.”
Monet Brooks
Spiritual Teacher, Medical Intuitive

About DeAnna

I used to be my worst critic. When I lived in London I was walking down the street one day when I became aware of literally screaming at myself inside my head: judging, berating, criticizing. It stopped me on my tracks. I asked myself: would you ever talk like this to another human being? To another woman? To a child? The answer was clearly No, never! This begun a long standing journey which I still walk…

A journey of unlearning my mother’s self-limiting patterns, disabling my father’s critical voice in my head, breaking through cultural oppression I took on board as a girl, teen, young woman.

This journey took me through studies and experiences in psychology, sociology, feminism, and spirituality, to name but a few. I braid the skills and tools I’ve learned over three decades into a tapestry of healing grounded in the wisdom of our womb and rooted in ceremony. This is my unique gift to you.

Is this For Me?

If you tried to “create your reality” without much success,

you were probably stopped by unconscious beliefs.

In this empowering journey you will

learn to speak directly to your subconscious mind,

and move through impasses by

turning your locked doors into portals.

This class is for you if:

~ You’re close to where you want to be

but you keep hitting the same wall

~ You want to expand your tool box

~ You grow best in circle of women

What's Included

  • 6 Live Sessions with DeAnna (75 minutes, on zoom)

  • All Recordings (yours to keep)

  • OPTIONAL: 2 Private Sessions (VIP track)

Your Journey offers:

– Personal revelations and insights into your most painful struggle

– Shamanic journeys that surpass cerebral brain to effect change at the core of your mammal brain

Clarity about your next steps

– A plan of action for your growth path

– A deeply nourishing and sustaining sisterhood support

What Will I Learn?

Module 1:


Trace your challenge

Find clues in your body

Discover your recurring theme

Module 1

Module 2:

Module 2

Find your Key:

Your challenge as a friend

Understanding the messenger

Accessing your listening capacity

Module 3:

Loosen the chains:

Understand what kept you back

Let go of fear of the unknown

Release the need to control the path

Module 3

Module 4:

Find inner permission:

Discover your self imposed limitations

Brake culturally limiting horizons

Become your own cheer-leader

Module 5:

Nourish your soil:

Discover what conditions are missing

Prepare your soul nutrients

Till the ground

Module 6:

Module 6

Spin Straw into Gold:

Find spirit helpers

Fuel your transformation

Write your True Story

Begins August 3, 2023

Complete this Foundation Level
to receive: RED TENT KEEPER Certification

VIP Tract
Open to 5 Women only

Includes: Course + 2 PERSONAL SESSIONS with DeAnna

“Working as a VIP student with DeAnna I clearly feel and see a new level of Self Love that came into my life, enriching every part of me. This is the most fundamental work I've ever been a part of.”
Mariama Hense
Trauma Counselor, Germany
Our time felt very powerful. I sense a deeper inner peace, I feel grounded and I can see clearly now. Thank you for your presence and in-tuning to the energy and spirit realms, to facilitate the journey.
Much gratitude,
Charlotte Douglas
Artist & Musician, New York, USA
I had the honor and pleasure of working with DeAnna as a teacher and as
It was like tuning-in directly into a source of pure Love & Wisdom.
Our work has opened up a source of inspiration for me, a clearing up, a softening of a few ‘harder threads’.
In addition to being such a loving, caring and intelligent woman, DeAnna has a very clear communication style and process.
I will work with her again in the near future.
Hanneke Smulders
Organizational Psychologist / Business Coach, Holland

Limited to 5 Women

Register Now
To Avoid Disappointments

Begins August 3, 2023

Sisters' words from Around the World

“I own my power now!
I'm ready to be myself and show it to the world. I have the strength now to take my vision into the world, to act as my heart shows me.”
Midwife, Italy
Strength, courage, love, talents, and interests – all came back to my life.
I'm happy to be alive again.
K. S.
Vienna, Austria
"I am forever changed by the experience with you!
I connected with long-ago parts of myself, with which I’d been thirsty to connect. I am called to be more of the woman that I already am, in a greater way than I knew possible!”
Amy Mansfield Weinberg
mother and counselor, Sacramento, CA
“What a transformation! To come back to my body, spirit and soul… You have given me insights to connect with myself, as well as my mother and my daughter! I hope women around the world experience such connection and transformation!”
Ilke Sternberger
UCLA certified lactation specialist, Dona certified postpartum doula, Owner of nursery school in Los Angeles, CA
Working with you has offered new meaning to my life. I look towards tomorrow with new eyes. I plan on pursuing all that you offer. Words fall short for the light you are passing to me. With all my heart, thank you!
Buffy Breeden
Maryville, Tennessee
Working with DeAnna helped me enter into profound intimacy with myself. The mirror now reflects a new image of me: I now love myself. Like being born in spring - after a cold and dreadful winter. I feel like a gem being polished. Infinite thanks for your work!
Montserrat C.B.
Midwife. Barcelona, Spain
I experienced a tender love for myself that had previously eluded me guided by your gorgeous voice and great heart. I knew loving myself was important but never gotten beyond the idea of it. Since our work together, I am able to feel my love.
I'm also able to mend past traumatic moments, when I froze or left myself. I feel such love and gratitude for the meaningful difference you have made in my life.
Here is a gift for you, an image of a clay relief sketch I did after our work together.
Ellen Keene
Artist, Marshfield, Vermont, USA
I opened my eyes to loving myself, loving my femininity. I woke up to the significance of being a woman, I begun to honor myself as a woman for the first time. I was reborn.
Diana Herrera
Carpa Roja Austin, Texas
I feel that I can accept and love every aspect of myself more than ever before. This was a very healing experience. I feel nourished and empowered. It has been a joy and an honor to work with you!
Hildegard MoonFireDancer
Vienna, Austria
I can't tell you how deep this work goes... I never could have imagined this before we embarked on this journey. My heart is smiling, my soul is dancing, my body is enjoying and my eyes are shining because of it.
Petra Vrouwenhart
Holistic Bodyworker & Women's Healing Arts Teacher, Hardenberg, the Netherlands

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How much time do I need to set aside, weekly?

Our Live Zoom calls are an hour & a quarter (75 min) long. Beyond that, you can devote as much or as little time to your inner work as you desire. As with most things of value in life, you’ll get out what you put in.

Q: What are the dates of the program?

Thursdays, Noon pacific

August: 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

September: 7

Convert to your time zone HERE

Q: What if I miss a session?

All sessions are recorded. You will receive each week’s recording whether you are present Live, or miss a session. All recordings are yours to keep.

Q: Will the calls be recorded?

Yes, all sessions are recorded. You will receive each week’s recording whether you are present Live, or miss a session. Recordings can be downloaded to your devices and are all yours to keep.

Q: Can I take this course in my time zone?

Of course! The time was set to accommodate morning & evening hours in most of the world’s time zones.

We will meet on Thursdays at Noon pacific

Convert to your time zone HERE

Q: How long will I have access to course materials?

You will have life-long access to all our sessions recordings. You will receive each week’s recording whether you are present Live, or miss a session. Recordings can be downloaded to your devices and are all yours to keep.

Are you Ready to Leap?

Choose Regular or VIP option:

A Woman Complete


CLICK HERE for payment plan (3 payments of $177)

Begins August 3, 2023

A Woman Complete VIP Tract


CLICK HERE for payment plan (4 payments of $187)

Begins August 3, 2023