Living PMS-Free, in Harmony with your Cycle, every single month
Your Menstrual Cycle as the Seat of your Intuition
Click Here for Womanhood Resources
If this is Not how you Live your Cycles –
You are in the Right place!
Like many women, I struggled with PMS and for many years viewed her period as a bother and a nuisance.
Having already been a trained coach and facilitator, I called my first Menstrual Empowerment circle in 1994. The response was overwhelming, and the journey embarked upon – profound.
I help women & girls love themselves unconditionally, deepen self acceptance, self love, and self esteem – at any age, draw spiritual strength from their cycle (rather than be at its mercy) and find the last missing pieces of their womanhood’s jigsaw puzzle.
If you have ever been a girl – This journey is for You!
The Healing I offer You
picks up where Psychology, Feminism,
and Women’s Spirituality — Stop!
The Tools and Jewels I’ve honed over 3 decades
Help you reverse “the curse”,
Heal your Inner Maiden,
and Live At Peace with your Cycle

Whether you have agonizing, painful PMS symptoms — or none at all,
whether you’re mildly irritable — or angry and depressed monthly,
whether you have a daughter or not — you will discover practical tools to:
- Release cultural negativity about menstruation wedged in your body
- Reclaim your ‘Inner Maiden’ as the last missing piece of your womanhood’s jigsaw puzzle
- Dissolve PMS symptoms
- Welcome your daughter into womanhood with comfort and ease
- Become empowering role model for today’s girls!
Here are the resources available to you as a Woman
Inspiring and transformative Tele-Classes offered periodically.
Check regularly for updates!