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What Is Ceremony?

Do we Need Ceremony? And does It Need us?
Who does Ceremonial Acts serve?
What’s between intention, prayer, ceremony, ritual?
What is a memorable Ceremonial Act you were a part of?
The words Ceremony and Ritual mean different things to different people, based on upbringing, culture, religious or spiritual orientations, beliefs, or experience, to name but few…
Our Women Wisdom Keepers went on a live exploration of what Ceremony means to them, and the memorable ceremonies in their lives, in any ways Spirit moves them to speak.
WOMBS of PEACE Circles are offered Freely. To  donate in reciprocity (all donations, great or small are gladly received) – Click HERE. To learn more about WOMBS of PEACE (WOP) – Click HERE.
Wombs of Peace – 2024 Dates:
Apr 21, May 19, Jun 16, July 14, Aug 18, Sep 15, Oct 13, Nov 10, Dec 8
(Always the Sunday before the Full-moon, at 12:30pm pacific)

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