Birthing Light

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Light is returning
Even though this is the darkest night
No on can hold back the dawn

(Winter Solstice chant by Charlie Murphy)

When the darkest time of year engulfs us, it’s sometimes hard to trust that light will, indeed, return. Especially during these times on Earth, when a lot of despair has settled in to the hearts of people… Yet the picture of Winter Solstice is a picture of hope: it is precisely because this is the longest, darkest night of the year — that light is born out of it!

The pendulum swings back and forth: from the longest, brightest day at Summer Solstice, to the longest, darkest night at Winter Solstice, and back again, through the two mid-points of Spring and Autumn Equinox, in which night and day are equal.

We live on a planet of opposites: day and night, light and dark, summer and winter, sun and moon… Like the Yin-Yang symbol, each pole contains the seed of its opposite. On June 21, at the height of summer, with the summery months stretching ahead as far as the eye could see – winter is born! Following Summer Solstice – the longest, brightest day of the solar year – the days start getting shorter, by miniscule amounts every day, until the point of equilibrium is reached at Autumn Equinox.

On December 21, at the height of winter, with the cold, dark months stretching ahead – Summer is born! Immediately following Winter Solstice the nights are getting shorter, the light increases daily, by miniscule amounts, until the mid-point is reached again in the ever-turning wheel of the year, at Spring Equinox.

This year, as Winter Solstice is approaching on December 21st, we have a special opportunity to consciously help birth the light!

Birth is a movement from the dark realm of the womb, into the light of day. And as any woman who ever gave birth will attest — the darkest, most painful time is just prior to birth itself! This is known as the time of quickening. The most intense, torturous, excruciating time of labor is indeed the quickening moment: the acceleration that comes just before birth.

This darkest moment is the time in which we are most likely to loose faith. Yet it is the time in which trust is most crucial! Keeping faith, trusting, is an act of will defining the lack of visible evidence.

Just as a laboring woman cannot turn back, but has to push through the most painful time of quickening to see the birthing process through, so do we, human beings in the throws of one of the darkest nights in the history of our Mother Earth, need to recruit our will to help birth the light!

This Winter Solstice align yourself with the birth of a new cycle of light. Seek the company of other human beings who wish to consciously unite in opening the path for a new paradigm. This is not something any of us can do alone… We need each other on this birthing journey. Lets align with Gaia, the Mother of us All, and support her in this quickening time of labor, helping each other in keeping faith and seeing the birth of a new consciousness emerge into being.

These most scary and dark moments are the ones in which we are called to exercise the deepest trust we can muster. And we need each other’s encouragement, reminders, and support in order to not get lost in the dark… Trusting in the face of darkness is what will ultimately birth the light!

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Light is returning

Even though this is the darkest night

No on can hold back the dawn

(Winter Solstice chant by Charlie Murphy)

When the darkest time of year engulfs us, it’s sometimes hard to trust that light will, indeed, return. Especially during these times on Earth, when a lot of despair has settled in to the hearts of people… Yet the picture of Winter Solstice is a picture of hope: it is precisely because this is the longest, darkest night of the year — that light is born out of it!

The pendulum swings back and forth: from the longest, brightest day at Summer Solstice, to the longest, darkest night at Winter Solstice, and back again, through the two mid-points of Spring and Autumn Equinox, in which night and day are equal.

We live on a planet of opposites: day and night, light and dark, summer and winter, sun and moon… Like the Yin-Yang symbol, each pole contains the seed of its opposite. On June 21, at the height of summer, with the summery months stretching ahead as far as the eye could see – winter is born! Following Summer Solstice – the longest, brightest day of the solar year – the days start getting shorter, by miniscule amounts every day, until the point of equilibrium is reached at Autumn Equinox.

On December 21, at the height of winter, with the cold, dark months stretching ahead – Summer is born! Immediately following Winter Solstice the nights are getting shorter, the light increases daily, by miniscule amounts, until the mid-point is reached again in the ever-turning wheel of the year, at Spring Equinox.

This year, as Winter Solstice is approaching at 12.21.12, we have a special opportunity to consciously help birth the light!

Birth is a movement from the dark realm of the womb, into the light of day. And as any woman who ever gave birth will attest — the darkest, most painful time is just prior to birth itself! This is known as the time of quickening. The most intense, torturous, excruciating time of labor is indeed the quickening moment: the acceleration that comes just before birth.

This darkest moment is the time in which we are most likely to loose faith. Yet it is the time in which trust is most crucial! Keeping faith, trusting, is an act of will defining the lack of visible evidence.

Just as a laboring woman cannot turn back, but has to push through the most painful time of quickening to see the birthing process through, so do we, human beings in the throws of one of the darkest nights in the history of our Mother Earth, need to recruit our will to help birth the light!

This Winter Solstice align yourself with the birth of a new cycle of light. Seek the company of other human beings who wish to consciously unite in opening the path for a new paradigm. This is not something any of us can do alone… We need each other on this birthing journey. Lets align with Gaia, the Mother of us All, and support her in this quickening time of labor, helping each other in keeping faith and seeing the birth of a new consciousness emerge into being.

These most scary and dark moments are the ones in which we are called to exercise the deepest trust we can muster. And we need each other’s encouragement, reminders, and support in order to not get lost in the dark… Trusting in the face of darkness is what will ultimately birth the light!

DeAnna will be offering

2013 Initiation: Moving Through The Birth Canal

A 4-week online initiation experience for women.

Click here to learn more!

Light is returning

Even though this is the darkest night

No on can hold back the dawn

(Winter Solstice chant by Charlie Murphy)

When the darkest time of year engulfs us, it’s sometimes hard to trust that light will, indeed, return. Especially during these times on Earth, when a lot of despair has settled in to the hearts of people… Yet the picture of Winter Solstice is a picture of hope: it is precisely because this is the longest, darkest night of the year — that light is born out of it!

The pendulum swings back and forth: from the longest, brightest day at Summer Solstice, to the longest, darkest night at Winter Solstice, and back again, through the two mid-points of Spring and Autumn Equinox, in which night and day are equal.

We live on a planet of opposites: day and night, light and dark, summer and winter, sun and moon… Like the Yin-Yang symbol, each pole contains the seed of its opposite. On June 21, at the height of summer, with the summery months stretching ahead as far as the eye could see – winter is born! Following Summer Solstice – the longest, brightest day of the solar year – the days start getting shorter, by miniscule amounts every day, until the point of equilibrium is reached at Autumn Equinox.

On December 21, at the height of winter, with the cold, dark months stretching ahead – Summer is born! Immediately following Winter Solstice the nights are getting shorter, the light increases daily, by miniscule amounts, until the mid-point is reached again in the ever-turning wheel of the year, at Spring Equinox.

This year, as Winter Solstice is approaching at 12.21.12, we have a special opportunity to consciously help birth the light!

Birth is a movement from the dark realm of the womb, into the light of day. And as any woman who ever gave birth will attest — the darkest, most painful time is just prior to birth itself! This is known as the time of quickening. The most intense, torturous, excruciating time of labor is indeed the quickening moment: the acceleration that comes just before birth.

This darkest moment is the time in which we are most likely to loose faith. Yet it is the time in which trust is most crucial! Keeping faith, trusting, is an act of will defining the lack of visible evidence.

Just as a laboring woman cannot turn back, but has to push through the most painful time of quickening to see the birthing process through, so do we, human beings in the throws of one of the darkest nights in the history of our Mother Earth, need to recruit our will to help birth the light!

This Winter Solstice align yourself with the birth of a new cycle of light. Seek the company of other human beings who wish to consciously unite in opening the path for a new paradigm. This is not something any of us can do alone… We need each other on this birthing journey. Lets align with Gaia, the Mother of us All, and support her in this quickening time of labor, helping each other in keeping faith and seeing the birth of a new consciousness emerge into being.

These most scary and dark moments are the ones in which we are called to exercise the deepest trust we can muster. And we need each other’s encouragement, reminders, and support in order to not get lost in the dark… Trusting in the face of darkness is what will ultimately birth the light!

DeAnna will be offering

2013 Initiation: Moving Through The Birth Canal

A 4-week online initiation experience for women.

Click here to learn more!

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