Inspire Archives

Wombs-of-Peace for World Peace & Prayer Day 1-41 screenshot

Middle East Peace

Peace in the Holy Land World Peace and Prayer Day Wombs of Peace (WOP) ~ رحم السلام ~ רחם של שלום ~ has joined forces

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What is Time

What Is Time? Is time linear? Is it a construct? Is it necessary? Who invented this concept, and who does it serve? Can we save?

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Moon WOP (Wombs of Peace) circle_ May 19th, Language & Creation

Language of creation

Language of Creation Language shapes our experiences for better and for worst. How are Creation Stories shaped by Language: The language of creation and the

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Episode 45~ Women's Wisdom 0-1 screenshot

Feminine Legacy

DeAnna’s interview with Jacqueline Hyacinth of Feminine Legacy “I am thrilled to air this episode with DeAnna L’am who is a pioneer of menstrual empowerment,

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Moon WOP (Wombs of Peace) circle_ Apr 21st, 12_30 PT 1-4-35 screenshot


What Is Ceremony? Do we Need Ceremony? And does It Need us? Who does Ceremonial Acts serve? What’s between intention, prayer, ceremony, ritual? What is

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Moon WOP (Wombs of Peace) circle_ Mar 17th, 12_30 PT 0-56 screenshot


Are Prayers Meant to be Answered? Do you pray? If you do, why? If not, why not? What is the purpose of prayer? Who do

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Moon WOP (Wombs of Peace) circle_ Feb 18th

Moon and Universe

Moon, Sun & Stars:  What is our Relationship with the Universe? After visiting our relationship with the Moon in January, we expand our curiosity and

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Stress Management
Red Tent

Stress Management

How to manage your stress? Or better still: how to reduce it, and even eliminate it altogether?! As women, we have an internal clock, and inner guide, that can show

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Moon WOP (Wombs of Peace) circle

Moon Wise

What is your relationship to the Moon? What do you learn from her? What does it mean to be Moon Wise? Ever Changing, ever Turning,

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“A Time to Kill, A Time to Heal… “ A Time to Witness? Many of us, humans, are in great pain these days. Different people,

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