Red Tent Wisdom: Susun Weed

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Red Tents, Moon Lodges, and Herbs to Nourish your Womb:
watch my interview with Susun Weed


Susun Weed is a powerful presence, with an encyclopedic knowledge of herbs and health, Susun is the voice of the Wise Woman Way!

Learn about how your life might have been different if you had a place where you went to, monthly, with your mother, grandmothers, and aunts… About Red Tent / Moon Lodge traditions… About the merits of letting your womb blood flow freely… And about the best Herb for nourishing your womb!

When there is a Red Tent in every neighborhood, village, town and city – the world will be a different place: for us, and for the girls growing up today!

For this: we need Trained women to hold Red Tents!
Are you one? 

RED TENT ACADEMY is coming up!
Sign up for the WAIT LIST:
you’ll be the 1st to know when registration opens –
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