Become Womb Fluent

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Our Womb is Not a Foreign Language!
Living with a Womb is a Cyclical Journey by Design!

We can’t understand our Womb by reading it Linearly.
Fluidity is Non-Linear
Trying to live Linearly with a Womb –
is like trying to fit a Round peg into a Square hole…

In the same way that Symbols are the language of Dreams –
Cyclicity is the language of the Womb.
You can’t understand a Dream mathematically,
nor the Womb linearly…

What does Womb Wisdom means to you?
In what ways are you Womb Wise?
How do you live your Cyclicity?
What are you still working on?

We Each work on different aspects, and
Together – we are changing the world!


Frequently Asked Questions:

– What is the Difference between Womb Academy & Red Tent Academy? 

Womb Academy with Class LogoWomb Academy is a Healing Journey of Empowerment
                     Read more HERE


Red Tent Academy is a Training Journey for Holding Red Tents
                     Read more HERE



– Which should I take first?

The two programs complement each other.
You are welcome to start with either one.
Taking both offers optimal benefit: both personally and professionally!

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