What’s a Home for your Womb

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You know how there are places where you immediately feel At Home, and others you don’t… ? Where does Your WOMB feel most at home?
For me – it is in a RED TENT!
There are many ways to hold Red Tents — as varied as the women holding them. For me – a Red Tent is a Home for my Womb…
A place where Womb Stories can be shared and heard….
Where the Cultural Wounding of our Womb can be Soothed…
A place where our Womb Biography can be Healed…

For me – a Red Tent is a place where we can nourish our Womb and our Soul, help raise empowered girls, and birth new paradigms!

Together – we are changing the world!


Frequently Asked Questions:

– What is the Difference between Womb Academy & Red Tent Academy? 

Womb Academy with Class LogoWomb Academy is a Healing Journey of Empowerment
                     Read more HERE


Red Tent Academy is a Training Journey for Holding Red Tents
                     Read more HERE



– Which should I take first?

The two programs complement each other.
You are welcome to start with either one.
Taking both offers optimal benefit: both personally and professionally!

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